Stat Stock Box Troubleshooting

While scanning you get a message that reads “Cannot Connect to Stat Stock Box” or something to the effect of “nothing found”.

Make sure you are reading what the scan error is carefully

If you cannot connect to your reader the first thing you will do is:

  1. Make sure your Stat Stock box is securely plugged in
  2. Reload the Stat Stock website
  3. Unplug your reader for 10 seconds, plug it back in, and try again

Note: When having unexplained Stat Stock box troubles always try unplugging for 10 seconds then plugging your box back in first.

Make sure you are reading what the scan error is carefully

  1. If a kit or bin has not been identified check that the kit or bin has an RFID tag attached.
  2. If it does have an RFID tag then make sure that you, as a user, are connected to the right reader in your profile settings.

Note: This also goes for any unexplained mistakes in scanning. You could be scanning the wrong box.

  1. If you get the error “Cannot find any New Items” then check in the item list and the item approval queue if those items have already been added.

When scanning to add inventory a "No new standard RFID tags were detected." error appears.

Make sure you are reading what the scan error is carefully

This means that there are no RFID tags in the Stat Stock box or the RFID tags in the box have already been added or are in the approval queue.

  1. Check to make sure that the medication is tagged
  2. Check the item list and the approval queue for the items using their RFID tag numbers.
  3. Check if you are you using non-HCL RFID tags for the first time.
    1. If this is the case, please reach out to us so we can help get you set up to use those tags.

If you have tried restarting your Stat Stock box (unplugging and plugging back in), have made sure that it is securely plugged in, and are certain you are connected to the right Stat Stock box in your profile settings then move on to these next steps and contact us.

  1. Go to your reader settings (Gear in the top right -> "Readers" -> Click on your reader)

2. Copy the IP Address and paste it into your browser.

- If a page cannot be reached this means your Stat Stock box is not connect to your internet. Contact your IT team so they can check if it is on the network (give them the IP Address and MAC Address found inside the door) and reach out to us to help troubleshoot.

- If a page does come up then go to step 3.

3. Copy the Hostname and paste it into your browser.

- If a page cannot be reached with the hostname but not the IP address this means that the Stat Stock box is being blocked from communicating. Contact your IT to see if the hostname is blocked from the network and reach out to us to help troubleshoot.

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