Welcome to the New Stat Stock!

Stat Stock Update: A More Intuitive Experience!

We have redesigned Stat Stock to provide a more intuitive and seamless experience! Below, you'll find instructions on how to complete your daily tasks with the updated interface.

What's New?

New Look!

We've revamped the entire site for improved usability and a more modern look. Below is a preview of the new Dashboard.

Navigation Changes

  • The ribbon navigation still directs you to primary data grids.
  • However, there are no longer direct buttons to related pages in those primary data grids.
  • To access other data grids (e.g., "Kit Type" or "Formulary Item"), navigate to the settings gear and select the desired section.

New Site How-To’s


The restocking process remains largely the same, with minor adjustments:

  1. From the Dashboard, click Restock.

  1. You will see the connected Stat Stock box in the top left corner. To switch boxes, click the arrow next to the Scan button.

  1. Place your kit in the Stat Stock box, then press Scan.

  1. After you press Scan your restock will show up. Correct inaccuracies, fill in untagged item details, then click Next or Rescan until all items are correct.

  1. If necessary, a modal will appear to enter lock details.
  2. If secondary approval is enabled, you can either:
    • Send to the approval queue, or
    • Approve immediately by entering your credentials (if authorized).

Restocking Untagged Kits

  1. From the Dashboard, click Restock.

  1. To select your untagged kit, click the dropdown under Select untagged kit.

  1. Scan the kit you are restocking or type its name, select it, then click Go.

  1. Correct inaccuracies, fill in untagged item details, then click Next until all items are correct.

  1. If necessary, a modal will appear to enter lock details.
  2. If secondary approval is enabled, you can either:
    • Send to the approval queue, or
    • Approve immediately by entering your credentials (if authorized).

Adding Items

This process is mostly unchanged, but now you can scan items before entering details. Below will be instructions on how to scan items first and how to do the process with the same flow as the old website.

Adding Items - Scanning First

  1. From the Dashboard, click Add Items.

  1. Confirm the connected Stat Stock box (switch if necessary via the arrow next to Scan).

  1. Place tagged items in the Stat Stock box, close the door, then click Scan.

  1. With your curser in the search bar of the Select formulary dropdown, scan the NDC of the items you are adding or type in and select the item.

  1. Enter the appropriate lot and expiration details in their respective text boxes. If you need to add more items, their identifiers can be added using the Add identifiers text box at the bottom.

  1. You can now:
    • Send to the approval queue, or
    • Approve immediately by entering your credentials (if authorized).

Adding Items - Similar to Old Website

  1. From the Dashboard, click Add Items.

  1. Confirm the connected Stat Stock box (switch if necessary via the arrow next to Scan).

  1. Click the dropdown under Select Formulary. In the textbook scan the NDC or search the name of the formulary you are adding then select that formulary.

  1. Once the propper item is selected, click Go.

  1. On the next screen, fill in the lot and expiration of the items you are adding to the system.

  1. Next place the items in the Stat Stock box, close the door, then press Scan in the top right corner.

  1. You can now:
    • Send to the approval queue, or
    • Approve immediately by entering your credentials (if authorized).

Adding Items - Viewing RFID Numbers

When adding Items to look at the RFID numbers of the scanned items click on the drop down # RFID Tags Found.

Adding/Editing Formulary Items

Although the Layout is different for adding and editing formulary items, all of the options are the same. They are not just segmented out into steps.

Adding Formulary Items

  1. From the Dashboard click the settings gear on the top right then click Formulary.

  1. To add a formulary item click Create Formulary Item in the top right corner.

  1. Fill in the information accordingly with the formulary item you want to create. As you click/unclick options steps will appear or disappear accordingly. I will be selecting the option that the item is tagged and a Tagged Item step will populate.

  1. Once you have finished filling out the information on a step, click Next in the bottom corner.

  1. The form will bring you through each step, continue to fill out the information accordingly and when you are done on the last step click Save.

Editing Formulary Items Details

  1. From the Dashboard click the settings gear on the top right then click Formulary.

  1. Click on the three dots next to the formulary item you would like to edit then click on Edit.

  1. Go through the steps and change the fields accordingly to the edits you would like to make.

  1. Click Save when done.

Adding/Editing Formulary Items Details

  • Unless a field is marked by a !, the field is not required and can be left blank.
  • Any of the steps on the top can be skipped to just by clicking on them.


The approval process remains the same, with slight navigation changes.

Item Approvals

  1. From the Dashboard, click Approvals on the ribbon, then select Items.

  1. In the Item Approval Queue, you can:
    • Approve in bulk, or
    • View individual items in detail.

To approve, reject, or edit in bulk:

    • Select the checkboxes next to the batch(es) you want to modify.
    • Click the corresponding action (Approve, Reject, or Edit).

  1. To review an individual batch, click its name.

  1. In the detailed view, select items, choose an action, and confirm in the modal.

Kit Approvals

  1. From the Dashboard, click Approvals, then select Kits.

  1. In the Kits Approval Queue, you can:
    • Approve in bulk, or
    • View individual kits in detail.

To approve, reject, or edit in bulk:

    • Select the checkboxes next to the kit(s) you want to modify.
    • Click the corresponding action (Approve, Reject, or Edit).

  1. To review an individual kit, click its name.

  1. In the detailed view approve or reject a kit by clicking Reject or Approve in the top right corner

Relocating Kits & Carts

The relocation process remains largely the same:

  1. From the Dashboard, click Relocate.

  1. Scan or manually enter the kit or cart you are relocating.

  1. Review its details and, if necessary, enter lock information.

  1. Select the destination cart or location.

  1. Fill in any required details for the new location.

  1. Click Save and confirm.


The reports process remains largely the same:

Run a Report:

  1. From the Dashboard, click Reports, then click List.

  1. Click the name of the report you would like to run.

  1. Select the parameters accordingly for what you would like the results to be then click Run.

  1. To export the results, click Export in the top right corner.

Create a Scheduled Report

There now is no need to run and save a report to create a scheduled report. You will just select the appropriate details while filling out the form.

  1. From the Dashboard, click Reports, then click Scheduled.

  1. Click Create a Scheduled Report in the top right corner.

  1. Give the Scheduled report a name then click the dropdown under Select a Report and select the report you would like to schedule. Then fill out the parameters according with how you want your scheduled report set up.

  1. Fill out the form accordingly based on the scheduled report you would like and who you would like to receive it.
  2. Click Save.

Bin Cycle Count

The Bin Cycle Count Process Remains largely the same:

  1. From the Dashboard, click Bins in the top ribbon.

  1. Click Cycle Count in the top left corner.

  1. Confirm the connected Stat Stock box (switch if necessary via the arrow next to Scan).

  1. Once you have selected the appropriate reader click Scan.

This Will bring up your Bin Cycle Count.

  1. Remove incorrect items from your bin if necessary.
  2. For missing items you can either select some using the checkboxes or select all using the button Select all missing. Then press Delete selected.

A modal will appear.

  1. Select the reason for deletion and confirm by typing "DELETE" then clicking Yes, Delete.

  1. This will trigger a rescan. If everything is correct, click Next to complete your bin cycle count.

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