Creating a Location Type

1. On your Stat Stock website, click on the Locations tab.

On your Stat Stock website, click on the Locations tab.

2. Click on Location Types

Click on Location Types

3. Click on Create Location Type

Click on Create Location Type

4. Enter the name of the new Location Type.

Enter the name of the new Location Type.

5. Location Types can allow both Carts and Kits. Toggle on what is allowed in the new Location Type.

This will open another option. You can allow all Cart/Kit Types or you can limit it to specific Cart/Kit Types.

If you want to allow all Cart/Kit Types, toggle that option. If you want to limit the carts/kits allowed, toggle that option and then select the cart/kit type and the quantity allowed.

Location Types can allow both Carts and Kits. Toggle on what is allowed in this new Location Type.

6. When you have your new Location Type set up, click 'Save' on the bottom right.

When you have your new Location Type set up, click 'Save' on the bottom right.

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