Welcome to Stat Temp

Device Setup

System Settings

Invite Users and create Contacts

Add and edit monitors

Add and edit sensors

Edit and assign Notifications

Event management

Organize by Groups


Some things to consider before you connect to Wi-Fi:

  • Does the web connection require users to enter information on any type of captive portal/login page? This can block our devices from successfully authenticating. This will require IT involvement. 
  • Our Wi-Fi devices only support 2.4GHz networks. These devices will not connect to 5GHz networks. If bandsteering is enabled on your network, you may need to have it disabled.
  • Confirm these ports are open:
    • TCP Port 8883 outbound (MQTT over SSL), destination address: iot.stattemp.io, IP addresses and
    • Port 123 (NTP), host: pool.ntp.org

If you haven't taken advantage of our Stat Temp Web Portal yet, fret not! Fill out the form below, and we'll ensure you get set up promptly.

Web Portal Request Form

Setup Your Device

  • Unbox your Stat Temp monitor and sensor(s).
  • Place the sensor in its desired location.
  • Plug the device into power with the supplied power cord.
  • Turn the device on by sliding the power switch into the up position.

When you turn the monitor on, it should be blinking blue with the 'Download App' QR code displayed.

Stuck Screen:

If you turn your monitor on and the screen will not advance passed the QR code with "Off...", then you have a stuck screen. This can occur when a battery is completely depleted after it was last powered on. This is how you resolve a stuck screen:

  • Turn the monitor off, wait for the LED to turn off (could take up to 2 minutes)
  • hold down the black and white buttons on top of the monitor simultaneously, and turn the monitor on
  • Once you see MUX, Power, Display..., use a paper clip to perform a pinhole reset. To perform a pinhole reset, insert a paperclip into the top pinhole on the right, push in, and release.

Connect To Wi-Fi

When you turn your monitor on for the first time, there will be a QR code displayed and "Download App".


  • Download the app ESP BLE Prov
  • Click the black button on the top of the monitor to proceed to the next screen. This will show a new QR code, this code is used to connect your monitor to Wi-Fi. To connect to Wi-Fi, the monitor must display this QR code.


  • Open the ESP BLE Prov app on your phone.
  • Click ‘Provision Device’.
  • Grant permission to let the app use your camera if prompted.
  • Scan the QR code on the monitor screen with your phone.
  • Grant permission to let the app use Bluetooth is prompted.
  • Click ‘Pair’ to connect to the monitor.
  • A list of available networks will appear. Click on your network and enter the password.
    • If you need to connect to a hidden network or one that's not showing up in the list, you would select "Join Other Network" option to enter the network details manually.
  • Click ‘Provision’.
  • Once the steps have been completed, click ‘OK’.
  • Connect the sensor(s).
  • Press the white button on top of your monitor to take the sensor's first reading.
✩ The device will restart once it connects to your network. ✩

For more information on connecting to wifi, or for troubleshooting, click here.

System Settings

To modify the default settings on your website, you must have access to the System Settings, which requires administrator privileges. Administrators can also extend access to other roles as needed.

To access System Settings, click the gear shift located at the top of the Stat Temp website, then click 'System Settings'.

Site Display Settings

These are the settings that control the time and temperature formatting of your site.

Site Access & Security

Use these settings to control how users access your site. Set password complexity and require password resets in this section.

Monitor Firmware

Set the default firmware for monitors joining your site.

Default Sensor Configuration

Set default Environment policy, logging frequencies, and sensor notifications in this section.

After making changes to the system settings, make sure you click 'Save' on the bottom right.

Invite Users and Contacts

It's important to know the distinction between contacts and users when it comes to managing interactions and permissions. Contacts are informed about system issues but cannot engage with the website, while users have the ability to log in and actively participate. Their actions are governed by the user roles they are assigned, which dictate the permissions and features available to each user. This helps ensure that access and control are effectively handled within the system.

To manage existing users or invite new ones, go to the Stat Temp website and click the gear icon at the top right corner. Then select 'Users'.

To invite a new user:

  1. Click on 'Invite User' at the top right of the Users page.
  2. In the Invite User panel, enter the new user’s email address.
  3. Choose their user role and, if you're using groups, assign them accordingly.
    1. If users will have the same group and roles, you can invite multiple users at once.
  4. Once you've filled out the correct information, click 'Invite' at the bottom right to send out the invitation.

To Create a new contact:

  1. Click on 'Create Contact' at the top of the Contacts page.
  2. In the 'Create Contact' panel enter the contact's first and last name.
  3. If the contact should receive notifications via text or call, add their phone number.
  4. Enter the contact’s email address.
  5. If you’re organizing contacts into groups, assign them as needed.
  6. Once you’ve entered all the information, hit 'Save' at the bottom right to add your new contact.

If you decide after you have added a contact that they should be moved to a user, you can promote contacts easily from the Contacts data grid.

For more information on Users and Contacts, click here.


Create Monitor

To add a monitor to your website to start reporting sensor data:

  1. Click 'Monitors' at the top of the Stat Temp website to go to the Monitors data grid.
  2. Click 'Create Monitor' on the top right.
  3. In the Create Monitor panel:
    1. Enter the Device ID. The Device ID may be located on a sticker on the back of the monitor or on the monitor display when the monitor is turned off.
    2. Give your monitor a descriptive name.
    3. If you wish to enable audible alarms for this monitor when it enters Critical or Warning ranges (as defined in the Environment Policy), toggle these options on.
    4. Select the appropriate timezone for the new monitor to ensure accurate data tracking.
    5. Select the power notifications you would like assigned to the new monitor.
  4. Once all the required information has been entered, click 'Create' on the bottom right corner of the panel.

Edit a Monitor

If you need to make adjustments to a monitor, enable audible alerts, enable/modify notifications, or lock firmware, follow these simple steps:

  1. From your dashboard, click 'Monitors' at the top of the page.
  2. locate the monitor you wish to edit.
  3. Click on the three-dot icon ( ⋮ ) associated with the monitor and select 'Edit'. OR Click directly on the monitor to open its page, then click 'Edit' on the top right corner.

Monitor Details:

  • Name: Assign or modify the monitor's name for easier identification.
  • Alarms: Toggle audible alarms on or off.
  • Timezone: Adjust the monitor's timezone for accurate data logging.
  • Firmware Updates: If unlocked, the monitor will receive regular over-the-air (OTA)
  • updates. If locked, select the specific firmware version for your monitor.

For more information about Monitors, click here.


Add a Sensor

When a new sensor is connected to a monitor, it will automatically generate the new sensor on your dashboard once it takes its first reading.

  1. Plug the sensor into a monitor.
  2. If the monitor is not connected to the network, connect the monitor.
  3. If the monitor is connected to the network, click the white button on top of the monitor to force a reading.
  4. The new sensor will be named after the monitor, followed by a dash and the sensor's serial number. For instance, if the monitor is called "Pharmacy Monitor" and the sensor's serial number is "000010FF9F59," then the sensor will be named "Pharmacy Monitor - 000010FF9F59."
  5. The new sensor will incorporate settings that are pre-defined in the 'Default Sensor Configuration' section located within the System Settings menu.

Edit a Sensor:

To edit sensor details:

  1. From your dashboard, locate the sensor you wish to edit.
  2. Click on the three-dot icon ( ⋮ ) associated with the sensor and select 'Edit'. OR Click directly on the sensor to open its page, then click 'Edit' on the top right corner.

Once on the Sensor Edit panel, you have options to customize:

  • Sensor Details
    • Name - Assign or modify the sensor's name for easier identification.
    • Groups - Include the sensor in groups for management and categorization.
  • Environment Details
    • Environment Policy - Choose the Environment Policy to align with operational environment requirements.
    • Read Frequency - Define the frequency of sensor readings to meet monitoring needs.**
  • Notifications
    • Warning: Notifications for warning excursions.
    • Critical: notifications for critical excursions.
    • Missed Check-in: notifications for missed check-ins.
  • Sensor Notes
    • Add pertinent notes or instructions related to the sensor.

For more information on Sensors, click here.


To access the notifications data grid, click the gear shift icon at the top of the Stat Temp website, then click 'Notifications'.

Your Stat Temp system comes with 4 prebuilt notifications and is set up to automatically assign notifications to your new sensors as they come online. sds

All sensors are automatically assigned to the notifications selected in your system settings.

Notification Name Type Notification Delay Create Event? Snooze Event Details
Excursion Event Notification Sensor 30 Minutes Yes No
  • Requires Acknowledgment
  • Requires Resolution
  • Auto-Acknowledge Link
  • Repeat until ack'd or cleared
Missed Check-in Event Notification Sensor 30 Minutes Yes No
  • Requires Acknowledgment
  • Auto-Acknowledge Link
  • Repeat until ack'd or cleared
Monitor Event Notification Monitor 5 Minutes Yes No
  • Requires Acknowledgment
  • Auto-Acknowledge Link
  • Maximum Repeat - 3
Monitor Message Notification Monitor 5 Minutes No N/A N/A

To start receiving notifications, you will have to go to your notifications page and assign users to notifications.

You can receive notifications and create events for any of the following:

Sensor Notifications:

  • Warning: These alerts inform you when the sensor readings are approaching critical thresholds but are not yet in critical condition.
  • Critical: These alerts inform you when the sensor readings have exceeded critical thresholds and immediate action is required.
  • Missed Check-in: These alerts inform you when the sensor fails to record data for two consecutive check-in intervals, which may indicate a problem with the sensor or network connectivity.

Monitor Notifications:

  • Running on Power
  • Running on Battery
  • Low Battery
  • No Battery
  • Poor Network
  • Low Drive Space
  • No Detected Sensors

Using Notifications:

To access the notifications data grid, click the gear shift icon at the top of the Stat Temp website, then click 'Notifications'.

To take quick actions with your notification, click the 3 dots ( ⋮ ) on the notification row, it will open the Notification Action menu. From there you can select any of the following:

  • Edit - this will open the notification panel. Features that can be edited:
    • Notification name
    • Notification delay
    • Event creation and event details
      • Acknowledgment, resolution, snooze, repeat
    • Users to be notified and escalation alerting
    • scheduled alerts
    • notification message
  • Clone - will open a new notification form. The only thing you cannot edit is the device type.
  • Delete - removes the notification. you cannot delete notifications that are assigned.

Notification Tips:

  • If using groups or you wish different people to get notifications for different sensors, it is recommended you create a new notification or clone the notification you are using.
  • Notifications that don't create events will not be on your events page, meaning you will not have an audit log of what caused the notification.
  • If you add a group to a notification, users invited to a group will receive notifications automatically.

Edit Notifications:

Click the 3 dot menu ( ⋮ ) next to the notification, then click 'Edit' to edit the existing notification, OR click 'Clone' to make a copy of the existing notification.

If you are making specific changes, you can select the appropriate tab in the top of the panel, or you can scroll to the section you would like to edit.

Here are the details you can edit:

  • Notification Details: edit the name and other details
  • Notification Chain: edit schedule, users, and escalation chains
  • Notification Message: edit the message that is sent with texts, emails, and phone calls.

Assigning Notifications:

  • Click on 'Sensors' or 'Monitors' at the top of the Stat Temp page to navigate to the correct data grid.
  • Locate the sensor or monitor you wish to edit and select the box next to it. You can multi-select any sensors or monitors to which the same settings will be applied.
  • A blue bar will open at the bottom of the Stat Temp page. Select "Edit Selected".
  • Navigate to the Notifications section and choose the notifications for each event.
  • Once you have configured the desired notifications, click 'Save' at the bottom of the page to apply the changes.

For more information about notifications, click here.


If a notification triggers an event, that event may require specific actions to be taken before it can be closed or considered complete.

To stop receiving notifications for an event, you must acknowledge it. This lets the Stat Temp system know that someone is aware of the issue and stops the notification from repeating or proceeding to the next step in the notification chain.


Acknowledging the event will stop all notifications for that event from notifying you further.

To acknowledge an event:

  • Click the link that is sent with the SMS or Email notification. This link could take you to view the Event, where you can acknowledge it or take other actions, or it could be a link that once you click it, auto-acknowledges the event.
  • OR on the specific event page, click 'Acknowledge' on the right.

Acknowledge and Snooze:

During some events, notifications may use the snooze feature. When the notification is acknowledged, it only snoozes until the event either resolves itself or the snooze period ends. Once the snooze ends, the notification re-opens and the notification process starts over.

To snooze an event:

  • Click the link that is sent with the SMS or Email notification. This link could take you to view the Event, where you can acknowledge it or take other actions, or it could be a link that once you click it, auto-acknowledges the event.
  • OR on the specific event page, click 'Acknowledge' on the right.
  • The snooze is tracked in the activities log as well.


You cannot resolve an Event until it has been acknowledged, but you can resolve a snoozed Event. Resolving a snoozed event will not stop it from re-opening once the snooze has ended, if the event is still active.

To resolve an event, click 'Resolve' on the specific event page.

Add Notes:

Once an event has been created, notes can be added at any time. These notes are tracked in the activity log, user, and time stamped.

To add a note to an event, click 'Add Note' on the specific event page.

For more information on Events, click here.

To Organize by Groups

Groups in the Stat Temp system are a powerful way to organize and manage access to sensors, monitors, events, and scheduled reports. By assigning users to specific groups, you ensure that they only access information pertinent to their assigned sensors. Groups can also be used for notifications, instead of adding individual users to a notification, add the whole group to receive emails, texts, or phone calls.

  • From the Groups data grid, click the group you need to edit or click 'Create Group'
    • In the panel, enter the group name.
    • Add users and contacts to the group as needed.
    • Select any sensors that need to be added to the group.
    • Once you've entered all the information, click 'Save' on the bottom right.
  • Invite any new users and assign new contacts to the group.
  • When new sensors are added that need to be added to groups, go to the group's page, click on the group, and then select the new sensor.
  • Each group will need their own notifications. Create or clone notifications for each group. Then properly assign the notifications.

For more information about Groups, click here.


StatTemp provides detailed reports to streamline compliance and enhance monitoring efficiency in critical environments by offering valuable data on temperature and humidity conditions to meet regulatory requirements.

  • Twice Daily Check-In Report: Verifies sensor check-ins twice a day to ensure continuous monitoring.
  • Sensor Temperature History Report with Graph: Visualizes temperature data over a selected period, allowing for immediate analysis and pattern recognition.
  • Sensor Temperature History Report: Provides a detailed log of temperature readings without graphical data.
  • Sensor Humidity History Report with Graph: Offers a graphical representation of humidity levels over time, facilitating trend analysis.
  • Sensor Humidity History Report: Lists humidity readings for a specific period, supporting thorough environmental reviews.
  • Sensor Daily Low/High Report: Captures the daily minimum and maximum readings, crucial for environments where precise conditions are critical.
  • NIST Calibration Expiration Report: Tracks the calibration status of sensors to ensure measurement accuracy and compliance.
  • Critical Temperature Event Report: Documents instances where temperature parameters were breached, crucial for audit and corrective action planning.

Stat Temp also allows you to schedule these reports. This feature ensures that you receive timely updates and continuous documentation, aligning with compliance schedules and internal audits, all without manual intervention.

Run Report:

To access the reports data grid, click 'Reports' located at the top of the Stat Temp website.

  • Click the 3 dot menu ( ⋮ ) next to the report you want to generate and select 'Run', or click directly on the report name.
  • Input Options: select the sensor(s) or groups and the data ranges for the report
  • Report Output: Customize the select the report output.

Schedule a Report:

To create or modify Scheduled Reports, click the gear shift located at the top of the Stat Temp website, then click 'Scheduled Reports'.

  • Click 'Create a scheduled report' on the top right.
  • Enter the report name and choose report to be scheduled.
  • Select the sensors and date range
  • Preview and customize the report
  • Enable 'On Demand' if you prefer to manually run the report from the scheduled reports data grid instead of setting up a regular schedule.
  • Set the frequency of the report:
    • Weekly: Select the day of the week, then specify the desired hour and minute.
    • Monthly: Choose the day and frequency (where '1' represents every month, '2' for every two months, etc.), followed by the hour and minute.
  • Select your preferred delivery format and specify how the report should be formatted.
  • Assign the report recipients:
  • Click 'Save' at the bottom left of the panel to finalize your scheduled report setup.

For more information about reports, click here.

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